90-Day, Sales & Marketing Reset - Core Delivery

Business Multiplier System & Conversion Accelerator Roadmap

Here is the exact system that I have designed for use with my private clients. This is just one part of the larger sales and marketing "machine".

It is designed to get some quick wins - before the entire machine is complete.

Here are some of the benefits

  • Deliver some quick wins to the business.

  • Focus on RAPID CONVERSION from prospects to customers

  • Shorten the Sales Cycle

  • ATTRACT Ideal Clients. Stop CHASING them.

THE 90-Day Sales & Marketing Reset - Everything you Get!

Offer headline

The Future is Fractional. You get my top-level expertise without the expense of a full-time salary and benefits. I work “one-on-one” with you for 90 Days. You avoid the high costs of using recruitment agencies because you engage me directly. Plus you eliminate the risk of a bad hire.

Offer headline

Our Business Multiplier System (aka the “Rocket Ship”) is a graphical representation of your business as a working system. You should regard it as a framework that puts all sales and marketing activities into perspective. We will "embed' this system seamlessly into your own business

Offer headline

Even though your website has cost a lot of money, it likely does not generate leads effectively - nor does it CONVERT website visitors to qualified prospects. Right? As a private client one of the first benefits that you get is a "conversion-focused" website assessment.

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Positioning is the #1 indicator of future business success. If your business is not positioned properly at the outset, it will struggle to achieve its true potential. Whilst our process is perfect for startups - it can be enormously helpful for established businesses. This module is an integral part of our process - for ALL private clients.

Offer headline

In any given system (business) there may be lots of ways that we can improve, but there is likely to be one major bottleneck or constraint that is holding the business back. Only those tasks which have a direct impact on eliminating the constraint will have the potential to deliver immediate and substantial benefit to the bottom line. Eliminating constartints "one-at-a-time" is the focus of this module.

Offer headline

The CONVERSION ACCELERATOR ROADMAP has been designed specifically for clients that sell complicated products and services to sophisticated decision-makers. This approach is especially helpful for companies that face challenges in differentiating their services and closing deals.

Offer headline

Welcome to "The Conversion Accelerator: 7-Step Process for Transforming Prospects into Loyal Customers in Record Time." Armed with overwhelming proof, you'll differentiate yourself with a branded system and an irresistible offers - not necessarily inexpensive. Finally, we'll infuse authentic urgency into your prospects, which can shorten the sales-cycle considerably.

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A funnel, often referred to as a sales funnel or marketing funnel, is designed to guide visitors through a series of steps or stages with the ultimate goal of conversion, which could be a contract, a product sale, a subscription, or another form of customer action. You will get access to our CDesign "state-of-the-art" software platform that provides excellent templates for both websites and funnels.

Offer headline

Conversion is a process. When you are selling complex products and services, often your prospective client will have some pre-existing beliefs, relating to your product or service, that prevent them from buying. Until those beliefs change, they are unlikely to become a client. Here we provide you with a structured process to professional address client concerns and move them towards a decision in your favour.

Offer headline

"Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you can't measure something, you can't understand it. If you can't understand it, you can't control it. If you can't control it, you can't improve it." H James Harrington

Our CDesign platform provides you with an easy-to-understand dashbord to track all of your important business metrics.

Offer headline

Here is the complete software and template stack that you get as a private client. All our tools and templates are delivered via our world-leading CDesign platform. You get an "all-in-one" sales and marketing system - specifically designed for clients that sell complex products and services to sophisticated decision-makers. This includes CRM & Pipeline Management, unlimited sales funnels, website builder, workflow automations, calendar and much, much more!!

Bonus 1

GlobeVista - Video Production - Tell Your Story

GlobeVista is our own media and marketing company. At GlobeVista, we pride ourselves on being a full-service video production company located in Perth, Western Australia. Our primary mission is to assist businesses in crafting effective online marketing strategies, with a particular emphasis on producing high-quality video content.

Unlike traditional, "hypey" marketing tactics that often fall flat with a discerning audience, we believe in authentic storytelling that resonates. At GlobeVista, we help you "Tell Your Story."

Here is what you get:

  • Up to 20 broadcast-quality Q&A videos about your business

  • You can be on camera or simply voice-over

  • Ideal for social media incl Linkedin and YouTube

  • "Tell-Your-Story" so it is relevant to your ideal client

  • Professional script writing and video editing

Bonus 2

Prepare for Capital Raising - Investment Evaluation Template

This 10-Step template was originally created at the request of a client – an International Fund Manager and Corporate Finance Advisor. The brief was to provide a rapid gating methodology
to assess potential investments - prior to entering a more formal due diligence process.

Whilst the document is primarily aimed at technology startups, it can equally be applied to assess (and re-position) an existing business – particularly one that sells complex products and services to sophisticated decision-makers.

Here is how this template will assist you:

  • Discover why 95% of potential investments get rejected.

  • Understand the criteria of a typical institutional Investor.

  • How to navigate the gating process.

  • Understand the importance of market positioning.

  • Understand how they assess the team/people.


Cross-Border - Merger, Acquisition and Capital

In 2024, Aidan Montague joined Eaton Square as an Associate. What this means to my own private clients is that, providing you are on a pathway to meeting certain valuation criteria, we can start having a meaningful discussion regarding exit strategy.

Eaton Square is a cross-border M&A and capital service provider with over 100 senior professionals across US, Canada, China & Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Switzerland, Singapore and Israel.

Here is how we can assist:

  • Mergers and Acquisitions

  • Sourcing Growth Capital

  • Grow or Capitalise the Value of Your Business

  • Get Acquired by a Larger Firm

  • Suitable for Founders of firms with a value ($10m - $200m)

90-Day, Sales & Marketing Reset - Private Client Engagement

I have created a PDF document that will provide you with all the details. Download Now!

Totally Without Obligation!

Contact Us

0410 604 615

12 Botanical Place, Kardinya WA 6163